Ruby Auditore

"No question why she needs to be so free
She’ll tell you it’s the only way to be
She just can’t be chained
To a life where nothing is gained
And nothing’s lost at such a cost”

—Her theme, “Ruby Tuesday”

Maria Alessandra Rubra Helena Auditore
True Name The Tempest
A.K.A. ”that klutz”, Girly
Birthplace Unknown
Date of Birth August 14
Age 17, seemingly. (Beginning of SHR2)
Height 5' 8” / 172 cm.
Weight 54kg/119 lbs.
Blood Type B

Ruby Auditore is a character of School House Rumbles 2, the sequel of the original School House Rumbles. Though most likely regarded as cheerful and somewhat clumsy by her classmates there are depths to her that even she is ignorant of.


Ruby fairly stands out when compared to other girls for her tall, long-limbed and lanky form (not yet matured into its full, willowy grace); and lithely smooth, near-feline movements, yet, despite such, she frequently finds herself tripping over and knocking into things. This is due to her deeply buried instincts ‘remembering’ being able to move faster and more freely, so she has to constantly compensate for frequent over-extensions, resulting in the above bouts of clumsiness.

With dark, glossy hair and deep mahogany-brown eyes, she looks very vaguely Mediterranean, though that is the only clue she has towards her ancestry.

She typically dresses in black and/or white, with various accent colors, usually red, dark green or purple. Somewhat of a clothes horse, the most common article of clothing she wears is a baggy white hat.


Before Arcadia: A Kindly Old Man and the Path to Understanding

Under Construction

Equipment and Stats

Current Point Allocation
Strength 1
Speed 28
Intelligence 5
Agility 15
Durability 1
Stamina 10
Weapons Mastery/Fighting Skill 5
Magic 50
Tech 50

Arcane Mysteries


Similar to ‘Sagitta Magica’ from Negima, currently she is only proficient in two elements, her natural affinities, fire and lightning, and the maximum number she can call up is 41.


Delayed release


Defensive magic designed to deflect physical attacks.


Similar to the above, but reflects magical attacks.


Briefly shuts down/’fuzzes out’ any extrasensory abilities for a up to a number of seconds that are to equal half her magic stat.

Divine Axe

Short range intense blast of lightning from above. Ruby sweeps down her hand when near an enemy and lightning follows a similar route her hand takes.

Magia Erebea

Ruby's nanomachines absorb any ambient energy and imbue themselves with the qualities of said magic, granting her the ability to expand her range of elemental influence beyond her natural affinities of fire and lightning.

Superconductor Punch

Largely a 'Superconductor' in name only, Ruby puts her energy behind a physical attack. While her skills in a melee are a bit lacking, the potency of the attack lies in its ability to hit a wide blast zone for an intense area of effect bombardment (about 30 cubic meters in front of her). Can be used with Runa, Interfatio and Kinetic Charge, for a variety of effects

Kinetic Charge

Propelled and protected by a reactive energy field, Ruby increases her speed by her magic + tech score. Given the the massive jump in speed as well as the limits of her own innate perceptions, she cannot completey control herself while in it and due to the unstable nature of the EM field, it eats away at her surroundings. On the positive side, it can at least be used offensively in a mad collision with an opponent

Hyperaccelerator: Second Shift

Refining her superconductor charging abilities, Ruby has made a note to be ready to move or strike at any time. Thus she has learned to keep the molecules of her body moving at supersonic speeds at all times. This is a state that must be activated consciously, but in doing so, the normally dormant Magitech inside her is used to build a mass of kinetic energy within her to be used at a moment's notice.

Should she touch anything in this state, it would amplify her strength (Mag + Tech); in turn, should something strike at her, the hyper vibrations of her molecules will respond with a powerful, resonating feedback (add to Durability). Should she need to move, with focus, she can perceive the world in a relativistic sense; as she is moving faster in this state, her faculties of sight are greatly augmented.

Aether Necrosis

A basic principle of nanomachine warfare is to make an indefensible attack on something that cannot always be defended - molecular bonds. Projecting a small cloud of nanites in a caustic white smoke, Ruby can, with time, induce state changes in matter or sever cohesive ionic bonds.

Superconductor Punch

Largely a 'Superconductor' in name only, Ruby puts her energy behind a physical attack. While her skills in a melee are a bit lacking, the potency of the attack lies in its ability to hit a wide blast zone for an intense area of effect bombardment (about 30 cubic meters in front of her). Can be used with Runa, Interfatio and Kinetic Charge, for a variety of effects

Superconductor Shield

A Magi-Tech EM forcefield which is activated unconsciously. Allows her flight and levitation, in order to take advantage of Kinetic Charge and Hyperaccelerator without the limits of gravity, in effect making herself into a 'slingshot effect' railgun.


Manipulating the air density about her, Ruby is able to create localized atmospheric mirages. This can be used to distort or multiply her visage. If one illusory target is struck, a bombardment of heat and pressurized air will impact the transgressor, and give Ruby back some energy to work with

*note* obviously this isn't as sophisticated as Gil's lologram, as it's more like a mirror. Each mirage image moves in sync, but the real Ruby can be concealed among the distorted images.

Plasma Vortex

Using her affinity with fire to create plasma, and shaping the soliton of the flame with electromagnetism, Ruby is able to create an enclosed vortex upon one or several targets. Air is swallowed up by the magical flame, burning in the thousands of degrees, and compressing the interior of the maelstrom into a vacuum, pinning the opponent in place. Once inside, Ruby is able to maneuver withing such the daunting ring of fire unharmed, even siphon its energies to move herself at accelerated speeds


As always, under construction. xD


  • Ruby LOVES flavourful and well seasoned food, thus will not eat bland things like oatmeal/porridge or plain macaroni cheese, though oddly she likes steamed short grain rice and pickled ginger as a snack, or if she wants something sweet, candied ginger.
  • Likes many kinds of teas
  • Loves sitting in the sun, but doesn’t like it too fierce, which will set her to lying in the shade.

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