Nakano Tomoe

—Nakano Tomoe

Nakano Tomoe
Birthplace Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth April 18
Age 16 (Beginning of SHR1)
Height 5'3 / 160 cm.
Weight 119 lbs.
Blood Type B

Although one of the many characters that appeared during the Dorm tournament, Tomoe was not a participate nor even an Arcadian. The explosive and hyperactive Japanese girl turned out to be none other than Wei Levi's fiancee. Despite the promise of marriage being made when they were younger and they had only met once, Tomoe had proven to be extremely loyal to Levi.


Techniques and Abilities



Event Artist Song
Nakano Tomoe Saori Hayami Sekirei
Tomoe to Levi Etsuko Nishio Don't Mind, China Boy
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