Welcome to Wikicadia, a SchoolHouse Rumble Wiki. SHR is a Forum Based RPG on the Comic Book Resources Forum created by Cleric of Hell's Brigade. It is a fantasy/science fiction story in a modern setting, with multitude of overlapping themes thanks to the many contributions of its players.
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A New Generation of Fighters:
Player Characters
Dean Gatlain
Kekowa Hasegawa
Ilias Lament
Ramus Navila
Xellos Raveneye
Rhia Rohana
Selma St. Johns
Natalie Schroeder
Janos Tantalus
Wei Levi
Non-Player Characters
Samantha Cattal
Thomas Kelly
Ilsa Schroeder
Maxwell Bernadotte
Lilith Vargreaves
Nakano Tomoe
Main Villains
The Last Generation of Fighters:
Player Characters
Revya Amano
Sara and Lara Angha
Ruby Auditore
Aureole Roxana Edith
Shamus Finnegan
James Flint
Gilander Gatlain
Laron Grand
Marcus Hester
Juni Ivis
Clancy Jones
Alice King
Liu Lan-Yue
Erika Rocksort
Eben Roux
Emanulle Santos
Ramza K. Schneider
Dory St. Johns
Jason Sun Lin Jian Shen
Claude Thorne
Drake Vargas
Non-Player Characters
Fox Selma
Isamu Hasegawa (長谷川 勇)
Liu Shi-Hui (劉實慧)
Optimus Pinetree
Danne Refero
While he is not technically a player, the Gamemaster of SHR, Cleric of Hell's Brigade, plays all story-related non-player characters.
If this isn't to anyone's liking, please feel free to edit it out; otherwise, I know for a fact that I've missed plenty of players and their characters, and it is also, obviously, not in alphabetical order. I honestly can't be assed to do so right now, and if someone decides to do it, don't forgot to switch the order of the Characters tab appropriately as well. Thanks, regardless - Inverse
P.S.: What in the blue hell was Ramus' surname? If someone remembers, please edit it in. Also, if anyone was wondering, all of the character names are in page-link form because I assume, eventually, all of said characters will be in even if that aren't right now.